Classroom Success
Your success in the classroom is directly related to the effort you put toward completing your homework and studying for your tests. The is one underlying principle that will help:
Learn not Memorize
When we learn a concept, we understand it. If we memorize a concept, we don't necessarily understand it. How do we learn? The list below shows the percentage of information we retain for different learning methods.
5% Lecture
10% Reading
30% Audio-Visual
30% Demonstartion
50% Discussion
75% Practicew Doing
90% Teaching Others
It should be obvious that simply listening to your instructor and watching him/her work problems will not lead to success. When you read through all the material, use all the online resources provided in the online lessons, and practicing the problems until you fully understand them, your odds increase by a large amount. The decision is yours. If you have the attitude needed for success, you will use all the learning methods.
Suggested Actions for Success
You will find greater success if you use the following actions:
· Start your homework when it is assigned, do not procrastinate.
· Work on the homework every day, there is no penalty for completing it early.
· If your run into a question or don’t understand something, send an email to staff. You will get your question answered, allowing you to complete the assignment.
· Schedule tutoring sessions with your instructor.
· Form a study group to prepare for your tests.
· Create and use flash cards.
· Print copies of your homework assignments and bring them to class to refer to when the material is being reviewed.
· Complete all extra work assigned by your instructor. Example: practice problems on Socrative.
Your success depends on the effort you put in to being successful. Don’t let yourself down.
Page Last Updated: Nov 13, 2016 (09:47:52)